Your Spokesman Speaks

Also known as MAC, Many Are Connected is giving Washington State something to be proud of. The talk about has finally reached Southern California and after getting familiar with the band, it is once again time for the Spokesman to Speak.

Obviously M.A.C. stands for "Many Are Connected" and the collaboration of Roc Omega, Andy Cantrell, and Chris S. has begun to stand out like a MACK truck on the musically highway. Their music is characterized by the mainstay of dubstep music, blanketed over aggressive back beats and bass lines that make for excellent dance music for any club atmosphere.

The M.A.C. band has recently released a brand new LP "Dream" under the record label known as Planet 3 Jams. The LP is excellent and happens to be distributed globally by MondoTunes ( The project is available on iTunes for convenient purchase and download. I personally love the project and certainly recommend the purchase if your looking for something to get the juices flowing.

M.A.C. doesn't stop bringing in this uphill musical journey. We all know dubstep is a big part of Tomorrow's music and it appears Many Are Connected is in our foreseeable future. In fact, recently included a handful of songs from the band's "Dream" track list to the station's rotation and with the band learning to social network, I'm sure it is safe to say, big news is soon on the way. For more updates from the M.A.C. camp check out the web links below and be sure to check back with Your Spokesman.



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