Sunday, April 7, 2013

Even God Loves Immortal Synn

Happy Sunday Family! I hope your all as happy as I am. Personally I am on a Roll. Business is picking up, Family is making me proud and I keep coming across new indie music that is so much more amazing than mainstream radio. Just a few weeks ago I blogged about how hard it is to find new Metal and what do you know, I found some awesome Metal. Now the Metal is coming by way of Denver, Colorado and this is not just any Metal but this music rocks so hard, it's worth bragging about.

Today I am compelled to share the the newest addition to my list of favorite bands. The band Immortal Syn has a song titled "Whiskey" that will make the goosebumps swell. The song has raw metal elements but also very catchy lyrics. The song is so catchy and well put together that I could see this jam leaking over into mainstream pop culture. From the rifts to the drum rolls the mix is perfect and the voice of their lead singer fits like tetris.

On Reverb Nation I left a comment on Immortal Syn's music page describing their hit single "Whiskey" as the musical equivalent of a Gorilla Fart. For those that don't know a Gorilla Fart is hard hitting alcoholic recipe consisting of one part Bacardi Rum 151 and one part 100 Proof Wild Turkey. Just like the drink, Immortal Syn's  new song is certainly going to create memories.

I love this Metal band it's quite possible even God loves Immortal Syn. The band has been kind enough to share proceeds of their Reverb music sales with a reputable charity. Show your support and help the band, which is currently ranked #14 on the charts, break into the top 10. Did I say I love this band already? LOL, if you take a listen you will love them too. Check out the band, join their social network and hit me with your feed back.